Certificates and Keys
SSH keys
Some build workflows may require installing specific SSH keys. One example is checking out dependencies from a private repository using Carthage or SPM.
Important: make sure that you are not overwriting SSH keys owned by the CI environment.
Store the SSH keys in the CI variables and install them
echo "${SSH_KEY_PUBLIC}" | base64 --decode > "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
echo "${SSH_KEY_PRIVATE}" | base64 --decode > "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
Make sure to adjust access the permissions, so SSH accepts them
chmod 644 "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
chmod 600 "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
Clean up the keys in the after_build
rm "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"
rm "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
Code signing certificates
Xcode build tools and, specifically, the codesign
utility relies on the keychain system to store code signing keys and certificates. To make specific keys available during the build process, we can use a temporary keychain.
Define keychain name and generate a password for it
Create a new keychain, set it as default, and unlock it
security create-keychain -p "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD}" "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}"
security default-keychain -s "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}"
security unlock-keychain -p "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD}" "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}"
Add a certificate/key to the keychain and grant codesign utility required permissions
security import "${BUILD_CERTIFICATE_FILE}" -k "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}" -P "${BUILD_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD}" -T "/usr/bin/codesign"
security set-key-partition-list -S apple-tool:,apple:,codesign: -s -k "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD}" "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}"
Revert defaults and delete the temporary keychain in the after_build
security default-keychain -s "login.keychain"
security delete-keychain "${BUILD_KEYCHAIN_NAME}"
Please refer to the CI Goodies page for details on storing binary data in the CI variables.